Serving up the answers you need

Where can I find Fancypants?

As we launch these new cookies, we’re adding stores daily, so check back often! By signing up for emails or following us on social media, you can get updates about our distribution delivered straight to you.

Can I sell Fancypants cookies in my store?

Yes! We’d love that. Check out our wholesale page for more information. You can also reach out to members of our sales team: and

Do you use GMO ingredients?

Nope. We are officially Non-GMO Project Verified. 

What is the shelf life of Fancypants cookies?

They are best enjoyed within one year of the date on the bag, but we’ve never heard of them lasting that long.

Is the packaging recyclable?

Yes. Don’t let the bag fool you. We partner with How 2 Recycle and you can find a store drop-off for recycling near you right here.

Do your products contain allergens?

We operate our own facility that is completely free from peanuts, tree nuts, and sesame. All of our cookies contain wheat and dairy, and those with chocolate contain soy.

Are your cookies gluten-free?

Right now, we do not have any cookies to share with our gluten-free friends.

Are your cookies kosher?

Yep! We are Kosher Dairy certified by KVH.

Are your cookies vegetarian? What about vegan?

Our cookies are vegetarian, however we do use real butter and eggs in our recipe, so they are not vegan.